
Adds favicons next to Google search results. Also works for Ecosia.

As of 2020-02-24. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           FaviconizeGoogle
// @namespace      http://userscripts.org/users/89794   (joeytwiddle)
// @description    Adds favicons next to Google search results.  Also works for Ecosia.
// @homepage       https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7664-faviconizegoogle
// @downstreamURL  http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/48636.user.js
// @license        ISC
// @version        1.4.13
// @include        /https?:\/\/((www\.)?|encrypted\.)google\.[a-z]{2,3}(\.[a-z]{2})?\/(search|webhp|\?gws_rd|\?gfe_rd)?.*/
// @exclude        /https?:\/\/(www\.|[a-z0-9-]*\.)?startpage\.com\/.*/
// @exclude        /https?:\/\/www\.ecosia\.org\/(search|news|videos)?.*/
// @grant          none
// ==/UserScript==

// TODO: For Ecosia and StartPage, we may be able to bypass CSP by fetching the images using GM_xmlHttpRequest, and converting the content into a data: URL
//       Alternatively, we could re-enable those sites, and recommend users to unlock CSP restrictions using one of these methods: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27323631/how-to-override-content-security-policy-while-including-script-in-browser-js-con

var placeFaviconByUrl      = false;   // The little green link below the article title
var placeFaviconAfter      = false;   // Display after the link instead of before it
var placeFaviconInsideLink = false;   // Makes the favicon clickable but may also get underlined
var placeFaviconOffTheLeft = true;    // Makes the favicon sit out to the left of the main column (not on startpage)
var iconSize               = 1.3;
var centraliseIconVertically = iconSize < 2;   // For smaller icon sizes, we center-align with the text, for larger we top-align

// With thanks to:
// - NV
// - darkred
// - SirCumference

// Some alternatives/remixes:
// - https://github.com/NV/faviconize-google.js (Chrome extension)
// - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/12395-google-favicons (works with Endless Google)
// - https://gist.github.com/Sir-Cumference/223d36cbec6473b0e6927e5c50c11568 (very short code, @match works with Greasemonkey)

// 2020-02-02 Reenabled Google again, because Google has stopped showing favicons.
// 2020-01-22 Disabled Google, because Google is now displaying favicons itself.
// 2020-01-22 Disabled Ecosia, because their CSP is blocking images
// 2018-10-14 Added support for ecosia.org!
// 2018-10-14 Disabled startpage.com, because their CSP has blocked favicons from loading.
// 2018-07-31 Dropped support for news.google.com, because it is now linking to local URLs, instead of to external websites.

// TODO: The relative positioning of the icon appears a bit off for sub-links of the main result.

// DONE: Provided more options where to place favicon: by the link or by the
// url, before or after, inside or outside the link.  However in my opinion
// they all suck except the default. ;)

// Broken images would be messy, but Firefox seems to hide them after a while
// anyway.  We do still see the gap from the image's padding though!
// It might be desirable to check each image actually exists/loads, or remove it.
// Is that possible, without making an http request ourselves?

// Third-party host URL detection is implemented leniently, and accordingly
// hostname extraction implemented aggressively, which results in favicons
// being given to unexpected things like bookmarklets which contain a site url.

if (document.location.host.match(/\bstartpage\b/)) {
	// This feature doesn't work on startpage!
	placeFaviconOffTheLeft = false;

if (document.location.search.match(/&tbm=nws/)) {
	// This feature doesn't work on Google News search
	placeFaviconOffTheLeft = false;
	// The layout is a bit too cramped for large favicons
	iconSize = 0.9;

function findClosest (elem, tagName) {
	// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
	while (elem = elem.parentNode) {
		if (elem.tagName && elem.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagName.toLowerCase()) {
			return elem;
	return null;

function createFaviconFor (url) {
	var host = url.replace(/^[^/]*:\/\//, '').replace(/\/.*$/, '');
	// if (host == document.location.host) {
		// return null;
	// }
	// Use protocol (http/https) of current page, to avoid mixed-content warnings/failures.
	//var protocol = document.location.protocol.replace(/:$/, '');
	//console.log("[FaviconizeGoogle.user.js] protocol:" ,protocol);
	// We may fail to access favicons, e.g. if the site only offers http, or due to CORS restrictions.
	// But it is still worth tryiing, because the fallback (google's s2) offers only low-res icons.
	var urlsToTry = [
		'//' + host + '/favicon.ico',
		'//' + host + '/favicon.png',
		'//www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=' + host,
	// Google's cache will sometimes provide a favicon we would have missed, e.g. if the site uses .png instead of .ico.  Thanks to NV for suggesting this, and to Google.
	var img = document.createElement('IMG');
	//img.src = protocol + '://'+host+'/favicon.ico';
	//img.src = '//g.etfv.co/http://" + host; // As suggested by decembre
	//img.width = '16';
	//img.height = '16';
	img.className = 'favicon';
	img.border = 0;
	img.style.display = 'none';
	var tryNextExtension = function () {
		if (urlsToTry.length === 0) {
		img.src = urlsToTry.shift();
	var showImage = function () {
		img.style.display = '';
	var removeListeners = function () {
		img.removeEventListener('load', showImage);
		img.removeEventListener('error', tryNextExtension);
	img.addEventListener('load', showImage, false);
	img.addEventListener('error', tryNextExtension, false);
	return img;

function getGoogleResultsLinks () {
	// var links = document.evaluate("//a[@class='l']",document,null,6,null);
	// var links = filterListBy(document.links, function(x){ return x.className=='l'; } );
	// var links = document.links.filter( function(x){ return x.className=='l'; } );

	return filterListBy(document.getElementsByTagName('a'), function (x) {
		// Most pages show links with class 'l'
		// But on pages where the first result has an indented block of sub-pages,
		// the indented links have class 'l' but all the other links have no class but parent class 'r'
		return x.className === 'l' || x.parentNode.className === 'r';

	// For Google search
	// a.l
	// a.fl are small one-line sub-results.  Search "squeak" and see the Wikipedia result.
	// a.B0IOdd are lists of images which appear underneath a section on the News tab (inside .card-section)
	var links = document.querySelectorAll('.g a:not(.fl):not(.B0IOdd)');

	// For news.google.com
	if (links.length === 0) {
		//links = document.querySelectorAll('a.article:not(.esc-thumbnail-link)');
		links = document.querySelectorAll('article > a');

	// For startpage.com
	if (links.length === 0) {
		//links = document.querySelectorAll('.clk > a');
		links = document.querySelectorAll('.w-gl__result-title');

	// For ecosia.org
	if (links.length === 0) {
		links = document.querySelectorAll('.result-title');

	// Remove any links which contain only one image
	links = [...links].filter(link => {
		if (link.childNodes.length === 1 && link.childNodes[0].tagName === 'IMG') {
			return false;
		return true;

	return links;

var style = document.createElement('STYLE');
var padSide = (placeFaviconAfter ? 'left' : 'right');
var leftPadding = 1.2 * iconSize + 0.6;
// We can try to centralise the icon with the text
// Or we can top-align the icon with the text (better for larger icon sizes)
var topPadding = centraliseIconVertically ? 0.87 - iconSize / 2 : 0.35;
var extra = placeFaviconOffTheLeft ? 'position: absolute; left: -' + leftPadding + 'em; top: ' + topPadding + 'em;' : '';
if (document.location.hostname === 'www.ecosia.org') {
	var topMargin = 0.1 + centraliseIconVertically * iconSize / 13;
	// Cancel the above padding (it stretches the icon on ecosia)
	// Use margin for vertical positioning
	extra += ' padding: 0; margin-top: ' + (-topMargin) + 'em;';
// If we are using placeFaviconOffTheLeft, then we don't need the paddings or alignment here
style.innerHTML = ".favicon { padding-" + padSide + ": " + (iconSize / 2) + "em; vertical-align: middle; width: " + iconSize + "em; height: " + iconSize + "em; padding-bottom: 0.2em; " + extra + "}";

function updateFavicons () {
	var links = getGoogleResultsLinks();

	// Allows it to work on any sites:
	if (links.length === 0) {
		links = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
	//console.log("Got links:", links);

	// for (var i=0;i<links.snapshotLength;i++) {
		// var link = links.snapshotItem(i);
	for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
		var link = links[i];
		// if (link.href.match('^javascript:') || link.href.match('^#')) {
			// continue;
		// }

		var targetUrl = link.getAttribute('data-href') || link.href;

		//// Skip relative and same-host links:
		if (targetUrl.match(/^[/]/) || targetUrl.match("://" + document.location.host)) {

		//console.log("[faviconizegoogle.user.js] link.getAttribute(data-faviconized):" ,link.getAttribute("data-faviconized"));
		if (link.getAttribute("data-faviconized")) {
			// Already faviconized
			//console.log("[faviconizegoogle.user.js] Skipping");

		// Sometimes Google shows multiple results from one side, side-by-side in a table
		// In this case, adding a favicon to the later links is redundant, and tends to overlap the earlier link
		// So let's not do that
		var tableCell = findClosest(link, 'td');
		if (tableCell && tableCell.parentNode.firstChild !== tableCell) {
			// We are in a table and we are not the first cell; don't add favicon

		link.setAttribute("data-faviconized", "yes");
		var img = createFaviconFor(targetUrl);
		// <cite> is for google, .url is for startpage
		var targetNode = (placeFaviconByUrl && link.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('cite, .url') || link);
		if (placeFaviconInsideLink) {
			if (placeFaviconAfter) {
			} else {
				targetNode.insertBefore(img, targetNode.firstChild);
		} else {
			if (placeFaviconAfter) {
				targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(img, targetNode.nextSibling);
			} else {
				targetNode.parentNode.insertBefore(img, targetNode);

// TODO: Use MutationObserver instead?

var last_srg = null;
var results_count = -1;

function checkForUpdate () {
	// #ires was needed for the News tab, which doesn't have a .srg.  Perhaps we could use ires for all tabs.
	var new_srg = document.querySelector('.srg') || document.querySelector('#ires');
	// startpage
	new_srg = new_srg || document.querySelector('.w-gl--default');
	// ecosia
	new_srg = new_srg || document.querySelector('.mainline');
	//console.log("[FaviconizeGoogle.user.js] last_srg:" ,last_srg);
	//console.log("[faviconizegoogle.user.js] new_srg:" ,new_srg);
	var new_results_count = getGoogleResultsLinks().length;
	if (new_srg !== last_srg || new_results_count !== results_count) {
		//console.log("Page change detected!");
		last_srg = new_srg;
		results_count = new_results_count;
	} else {
		//console.log("Pages are the same:", last_srg, new_srg);
	setTimeout(checkForUpdate, 1000);

setTimeout(checkForUpdate, 100);