Greasy Fork is available in English.

Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray

Let's you see players and items behind walls in Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray
// @namespace
// @version      2.2
// @description  Let's you see players and items behind walls in Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
// @author       HITLER
// @match        *://*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

const THREE = window.THREE;

Object.defineProperty( window, 'THREE', {
get() {

return undefined;

} );

const settings = {
showPlayers: true, 
showPlayerNames: false,
showItems: true, 
showItemNames: false, 
showBlocks: false,
showLines: true, 
showOres: false,
worldWireframe: false, 
aimbotEnabled: true, 
aimbotOnRightMouse: true,
aimBehindWalls: false, 
aimHeight: 0.93,
autoFire: true, 
aimAtEveryone: false, 
createdBy: 'HITLER',
editAimbotBlacklist() {

const currList = Object.keys( aimbotBlacklist ).join( ', ' );
const string = prompt( 'Enter usernames of players for whom aimbot should be disabled.\nSeparated by single comma:', currList );

if ( string !== null ) {

aimbotBlacklist = {};
string.split( ',' )
.map( name => name.trim().toLowerCase() )
.filter( name => name.length > 0 )
.forEach( name => ( aimbotBlacklist[ name ] = true ) );



showHelp() { = === '' ? 'none' : '';


let aimbotBlacklist = {

function updateBlacklistBtn() {

let name = 'Edit Aimbot Blacklist';

const n = Object.keys( aimbotBlacklist ).length;
if ( n > 0 ) name = `${name} (${n} user${n === 1 ? '' : 's'})`; name );


const gui = new lil.GUI();
const controllers = {};
for ( const key in settings ) {

controllers[ key ] = gui.add( settings, key ).name( fromCamel( key ) ).listen();


controllers.aimHeight.min( 0 ).max( 1.5 );
addDescription( controllers.aimAtEveryone, 'Enable this to make aimbot work in Survival mode.' );

function addDescription( controller, text ) {

const div = document.createElement( 'div' );
div.className = 'my-lil-gui-desc';
div.innerText = text;
controller.domElement.querySelector( '.name' ).appendChild( div ); 
