Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube Player Controls

Adds features to YouTube player page: fill window with video, stretch, float video, set HD 4K 8K resolution, hide annotations and ads, click skip ads, click show more, loop, replay a video segment, pause at start/end, zoom and pan video.

< 脚本YouTube Player Controls的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本一切正常


Strongly recommend
to be changed to
setTimeout(() => { a.pauseVideo();\ }, 900);\
window.setInterval(f, 1000);\
to be changed to
window.setInterval(f, 20);\
This can prevent too much of the ending from being left unplayed.


The method above causes issues with fast-forwarding the video playback, but it returned to normal after changing to the following.
286 & 294
if ((d - a.getCurrentTime() <= 1) && d > 0) {\
to be changed to
if ((d - a.getCurrentTime() <= 0.1) && d > 0) {\
window.setInterval(f, 1000);\
to be changed to
window.setInterval(f, 20);\

