Greasy Fork is available in English.

這是 Greasy Fork 會讀取的 使用者腳本 meta keys 的清單。腳本中可以有不在此清單中的 key,也會存在使用者安裝的腳本中,但不會對 Greasy Fork 的介面有任何效果。

此腳本在不同語系中的名稱,XX 是 ISO 639-1 的兩字母代碼 ,YY 則是非必要的 ISO 3166 國家代碼。當使用者在符合的語系中瀏覽時就會蓋過 @name 顯示。
此腳本在不同語系中的描述,XX 是 ISO 639-1 的兩字母代碼 ,YY 則是非必要的 ISO 3166 國家代碼。當使用者在符合的語系中瀏覽時就會蓋過 @description 顯示。
使用者腳本管理器將會透過 @namespace@name 的組合來判斷是否已安裝該腳本。Greasy Fork 要求必填此欄位,若於更新時修改了此欄位也會警告您。
Identifier for a specific version of a script in Mozilla version format. Version is displayed on a script's info page. Greasy Fork requires this field and will warn if it's decremented or if it's not incremented when the script's code changes.
§@include, @exclude, @match
Includes external JavaScript into a script. See rules for code including external scripts. If you use subresource integrity hashes (see info here and here), Greasy Fork will alert you if your hashes do not match the content at the URL you use.
Includes an external resource (JavaScript, CSS, images, etc.) into a script. See rules for code including external scripts. If you use subresource integrity hashes (see info here and here), Greasy Fork will alert you if your hashes do not match the content at the URL you use.
§@updateURL, @installURL, @downloadURL
描述使用者腳本管理器要從何取得更新。Greasy Fork 將會移除這些更新網址,目的是讓從 Greasy Fork 安裝的腳本只能由 Greasy Fork 更新。
By posting your script to Greasy Fork, you give others permission to install and use it. The license describes whether and how people are allowed to modify and distribute your script. License is displayed on a script's info page. @license can be:
  • The name of a license (for example, @license GPL3). Using a "Full name" or "Identifier" from the SPDX License List is recommended.
  • The conditions under which you allow use (for example @license You can modify as long as you credit me, though using a pre-existing license is recommended.
  • A copyright statement (for example @license Copyright MyName) if you don't want to release under a license.
  • Omitted entirely, which is the same as having a copyright statement, but less clear to users.
Note that if your script is based on code someone else wrote, you may be restricted in what license you choose.
腳本作者的捐贈網址。捐贈網址會顯示在腳本的反饋頁。網址可以是 http、https 或者比特幣協議網址。例如:要連結到 PayPal 捐贈頁面,可使用 的格式,請用您自己的電子郵件位址替代前述範例的位址。
建議的捐贈金額,與 @contributionURL 一起使用。
標示此腳本與哪些瀏覽器相容。相容性資訊將會顯示在腳本的頁面。可使用例如:@compatible firefox 必須停用彈出型視窗封鎖器 的格式來記錄關於相容性的其他資訊。可使用的瀏覽器有:firefox, chrome, opera, safari, edge
標示此腳本與哪些瀏覽器不相容。相容性資訊將會顯示在腳本的頁面。可使用例如:@incompatible firefox 從 Firefox 23 起失效 的格式來記錄關於相容性的其他資訊。可使用的瀏覽器有:firefox, chrome, opera, safari, edge
Discloses features in a script that are there to benefit the author, not the user. The format of this key is @antifeature type description. type is required, description is optional. Read here for info on the types read by Greasy Fork.
An @antifeature described in a specific locale, where XX is an ISO 639-1 2-letter code and YY is an optional ISO 3166 country code. Overrides @antifeatures of the same type when the user is browsing in a matching locale.