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GoogleGPT 🤖

ChatGPT の回答を Google サイドバーに追加します (powered by GPT-4o!)

< GoogleGPT 🤖についてのフィードバック

レート:可 - スクリプトは動作するがバグがある

投稿日: 2024/04/15
編集日: 2024/04/15

Seems like I have the same trouble like Evab, it's always flooded and "waiting for chatgpt response" for no response when using proxy mode. I'm using Chrome and Tampermonkey(EA mode), and the chatgpt runs normally on the official website. Could this be because I'm using vpn?

投稿日: 2024/04/15

Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here. dollar general customer

投稿日: 2024/04/15

@Gchen IDK but I will tag you when it is fixed

投稿日: 2024/04/15

@adamlui OK thanks!

投稿日: 2024/05/30

@Gchen I fixed it can you use Proxy Mode?

