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Scroll with Mouse Plus

Scroll a page by simply moving the cursor up and down, without even a click!

< Feedback on Scroll with Mouse Plus

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 10-08-2023
Edited: 10-08-2023


hzhbestTác giả
Posted: 14-08-2023
Edited: 14-08-2023


hzhbestTác giả
Posted: 14-08-2023

And, it seems that you are using machine translation to write Chinese responses. What's your native language?

Posted: 17-08-2023

Я использую ваш скрипт с расширением в нём есть возможность переносить полосу прокрутки на левую сторону.Это не очень нужно. Хотел попробовать комбинацию с левой стороны.

hzhbestTác giả
Posted: 22-08-2023

You can try and see if v2.11 fulfill your expectation.

Posted: 01-10-2023

Thank you, it works!

Posted: 18-05-2024

For a note. In Chromium 125.0.6422.60, the sensitivity (var ScrollbarWidth =) has changed, but this may not be noticed by everyone.

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